area, m2
主卧,尽在细节! 我们安装了一个与特大号床尺寸相匹配的 LED 照明天花板吊灯、精致而现代的墙纸和超宽的天井门,谈论风景! 在连接浴室中,我们在整个地板以及墙壁的主要部分都使用了 Calacatta 风格的瓷砖,以在您进入时营造出令人惊叹的效果。 壁挂式水龙头、悬挂式双梳妆台以及全喷水和蒸汽淋浴水疗体验也令人赞叹不已。 其他建筑商在使用壁挂式水龙头时遇到的问题是,需要在建筑阶段的早期将它们完美对齐,因为稍后维修会很耗时,并且可能会延迟项目。 在 Ethier&Zhang Homes,我们确保第一时间照顾好它。

Smart living
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ECO Construction
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Window in bathroom
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The space separating between two areas hallway and kitchen

Awesome Space
Added a huge bonus to the space, as well as an awesome design feature

Awarded design
The design of the home utilized white acrylic and rift white oak.
在建造这座房子时,我们选择使用天然石材缟玛瑙来打造令人印象深刻的特色墙,该墙在主门厅和化妆间也采用 LED 背光。如果零件发生故障,石头很容易接近,并且在将来石头不会掉落的情况下也是绝对安全的。在主门厅,我们想出了从后面支撑石头的想法,周围有坚固的背衬。在前面,我们使用相同的概念,但如果需要,可以移除成品装饰。
在 Onyx 也用于天花板和水槽的化妆间中,我们对天花板采用了不同的方法,因为使用装饰件作为下方的支撑作为安全问题是不可行的。这个想法是创建一个吊顶,四周都有一个边缘,比将要放置在天花板上的玛瑙板小。通过这样做,我们为 Onyx 创建了一个结构支撑系统。令人惊讶的是,Onyx 最“困难”的方面是确保照明充足且均匀分布。
As the main property feature we envisioned something that would be a wow factor that very few other homes, if any, would have the same concept.
The idea came whilst touring the slab company and a sample of the Quartz was on display. After inquiring about the slab and learning about its translucent capabilities we knew this would be the perfect feature wall.
The design of the home utilized white acrylic and rift white oak. To tie things together we were able to source pure white oak planks to use for the arch.
As you can see in the photo, that overlooked detail by other builders which we sought to address has added a huge bonus to the space, as well as an awesome design feature.
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Home Design
Touch of perfection

Restaurants + _
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School + _
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Shopping Mall + _
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Hospital + _
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